Monday, February 8, 2016

Simple Steps To Catch Your Next Big Fish


1.  Choose Your Fish

Before you go fishing, you first have to decide on the fish you want to catch.  If you don’t know the fish you’re after, you will have a much harder time catching one.  Before you can reach your goals, you need to discover those goals in the first place!

Have you decided what you want from life?

Do you have your goals precisely defined?


 2.  Pick Your Bait

Once you have decided on your fish, you then need to select the appropriate bait on which that fish will bite.  Unless you have the proper bait, you will never attract the fish you want.

Are you acting the way to attract what you want?

Are you surrounding yourself with the right people?

Are you spending your time in the right places?

 3.  Get Your Hook

When you know your fish and have the correct bait, the next step is to get the right sized hook.  My dad taught me an important fishing lesson long ago: Small hook, small fish.  Big hook, big fish.

Do your goals require a bigger hook?

Are you challenging yourself to match your talent?


4.  Get Your Line In The Water

Once you have the bait on the hook, you can’t sit back.  You need to cast it into the water!  Every second you wait to do this step is time wasted.  You need to commit and follow through.

Do you take consistent action toward your goals?

What is the next step to get closer to your goal?

5. Fish!

Once you’ve gotten your work done and get your line wet, it is time to stay focused and more importantly, stay patient.  Sometimes you are going to have to wait a while for a fish to bite.  I guess that is why they call it “fishing” and not “catching.”  All too often, people give up before they catch the “big one.”  As my dad taught me, the big fish didn’t get that way by accident.  The biggest fish is often the hardest to catch. You will have to often delay gratification and simultaneously improve your skills in order to reel them in.


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